Poster Making for Class 12, Format, Tips , Tricks

Poster Making for Class 12, Format, Tips , Tricks

Poster Making for Class 12, Format, Tips , Tricks

What is a Poster? A poster is a printed paper which is designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. It is printed with powerful visual/verbal input

Posters विज्ञापनों के ही भव्य रूप हैं। अधिकतर लोग Posters को दूर से, गाड़ियों से, बसों से गुजरते हुए पढ़ते हैं। अत: Posters में लिखे शब्द बड़े आकार के होने चाहिए। रंग-बिरंगे, चमकीले और सुन्दर Posters ही लोगों का ध्यान खींचने में सफल होते हैं।

FORMAT of a Poster

TITLE/NAME OF THE EVENT (exhibition, workshop, etc.) 

WHEN (date and time) AND WHERE 

ISSUING AUTHORITY- By whom or by which organisation the poster is being published. 
TAGLINE OF THE EVENT- it has to be in accordance with the question. A catchy tagline for the occasion. It should be clearly visible. Thus, it can be bold, underlined or in capitals. 
TITLE OF THE EVENT- it should be short and as per the question. 
SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS- This is optional. For example:- Guest speaker, etc. 
ILLUSTRATION- It involves pictorial representation. For eg., a drop of blood for a blood donation camp. 
DATE, TIME AND VENUE- It is very important to mention date, time and venue of the event. It  is a point you cannot risk forgetting. 
CONTACT INFORMATION- In case of any queries, the targeted audience should have someone to contact to. 
OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION- If there is any other information mentioned in the question and is supposed to be there in the poster, it is important you mention it.

Things to remember while attempting a question on poster making for class 12 English writing skills

  1. It should not strictly exceed the prescribed word limit of 50 words.
  2. It should be in a box.
  3. Make sure you double check for grammatical accuracy and spellings. They carry marks.
  4. Practice previous year Question paper questions.
  1. Make sure it fits within one page only.
  2. Use sharpened pencils.
  3. Bold or underline important information.
  1. No usage of short forms or slangs. It is not acceptable.
  2. Don’t exceed the prescribed word limit.

From the examination point of view, you must keep in mind the above-mentioned format of the poster.
Poster के लिए आधार बिन्दु-
  1. इन्हें Box बनाकर लिखना चाहिए।
  2. Slogans, Jingles व अच्छी भाषा का प्रयोग करना चाहिए।
  3. चित्र भी बनाने चाहिए जो Poster में दी गयी विषय-वस्तु से सम्बन्धित हों।
  4. Capital Letters (बड़े अक्षरों) का प्रयोग करना चाहिए तथा मुख्य व महत्त्वपूर्ण चीजों को स्पष्ट रूप से दर्शाते हुए लिखना चाहिए।
  5. Poster से सम्बन्धित उचित नाम व पता, जो कि दिया गया हो या देना जरूरी हो, स्पष्ट रूप से लिखने चाहिए।
  6. किसी विस्तार में न जाते हुए केवल मुख्य बिन्दुओं को ही केन्द्रित करते हुए Poster लिखने चाहिए।
  7. Poster जिसके द्वारा जारी किया गया हो उसका नाम व पता अंत में नीचे लिखना चाहिये, जैसे-Issued By Eye Bank, Jaipur
Posters on Social Issues
Question 1.
Holy Faith Society, Udaipur is organising a camp for Blood Donation. As the secretary of the Society, draft a poster to invite volunteers for this cause.
(50 words)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 1
Question 2.
Prepare a poster to motivate the people for Eye Donation in not more than 50 words.
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 2
Question 3.
You are a Social Worker of a Public Welfare Organisation called ‘HUMANITY’ in Udaipur. It is campaigning against smoking. Draw a poster highlighting the harmful effects of smoking. (50 WORDS)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 3
Question 4.
Prepare a poster to create awareness against child labour in about 50 words.
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 4
Question 5.
Prepare a poster to encourage people to save the girl child in about 50 words. (SS Exam 2013)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 5
Question 6.
You are Puneet/Karishma. Draft a poster in not more than 50 words requesting the people of your city to stop wastage of water and several various procedures of rainwater harvesting. (SS Exam 2017)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 6
Question 7.
“Reckless driving can be fatal”. Draft a poster to give a warning for this issue is not more than 50 words.
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 7
Question 8.
Design a poster to spread the message of awareness against pollution in the city. (50 words)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 8
Question 9.
Prepare a poster to encourage people to keep their city clean and green.
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 9
Question 10.
Draft a poster to spread awareness against the use of polythene bags. (50 words)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 10
Question 11.
Prepare a poster to advocate the judicious use of fuel is not more than 50 words.
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 11
Question 12.
Prepare a poster to raise a voice against cruelty towards animals. (50 words)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 12
Question 13.
You are Aditya Seth/ Aditi Bose, an organiser of relief camp for the flood victims on behalf of the Shanti Ashram. Design a poster inviting people to donate food, clothes and medicines for the victims. Also, give the necessary details. (50 words)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 13
Question 14.
Prepare a poster to provoke the masses against Terrorism in not more than 50 words.
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 14
Question 15.
Prepare a poster to encourage people to promote Hindi in about 50 words
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 15
Question 16.
You are a fitness trainer in a health club. Design a poster in not more than 50 words, to emphasize the importance of exercise in maintaining mental and physical fitness. You are Prem/Priya. (Sr Sec. Exam 2014)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing Question 16
Question 17.
Poster ‘To depict ways used to preserve ecosystem’.
RBSE Solutions for Class 12 English Rainbow Chapter 8 A Journey to the End of the Earth
Question 18.
Poster on ‘Road Safety Week’.
Road – Safety Week
Follow Road Safety Rules
Do’s for Safe Driving
1. Use seat belts
2. Wear Helmet
3. Observe Speed limits
4. Save Lives
5. Better late than never
Don’ts for Safe Driving
1. Don’t mix Drinking with Driving
2. Don’t ignore traffic signals
3. Don’t overtake on the wrong side
4. Don’t use Mobiles while driving
5. Don’t drive rashly
Issued by: The Road Safety Authority of Rajasthan.
Question 19.
Poster on ‘An NGO health care to fight Dengue and Chikungunya.’
(fevers caused by mosquitoes biting during daytime)
RBSE Class 12 English poster writing dengueSymptoms:
  • High Fever
  • Body Rashes
  • Severe Joint Pain
BE Careful
  • Keep Acs & Coolers Clean
  • Keep Your Garden Clean and Trimmed
  • No Stagnation Of Water
  • Wear Full Clothes
  • Take Prompt Medical Aid
  • Do Not Panic
  • Use Mosquito Repellents/Nets
Keep Your Premises
  • Clean
  • Damp Free
  • Mosquito Free
Prevent Mosquito Breeding – Prevent Dengue AND Chikungunya
Issued by: Secretary, India International Health Care.


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