Advertisement Writing


Advertisement Writing

It is a kind of public announcement used to influence the minds, tastes and even the motives of the masses. It is made available to the people through newspapers, magazines, posters, television and cinema, etc.
विज्ञापन सर्वसाधारण के मस्तिष्क, रुचि एवं उनके उद्देश्यों को प्रभावित करने के लिए सार्वजनिक उद्घोषणा है। विज्ञापन, समाचार-पत्र, पत्रिकाओं, पोस्टरों, टी.वी. तथा सिनेमा इत्यादि के माध्यम से आम लोगों तक पहुँचाए जाते है।
Types of Advertisement
There are two types of advertisements
(i) Classified Advertisements
(ii) Display/General Advertisements
विज्ञापन समान्यतः
दो प्रकार के होते हैं।
(i) वर्गीकृत विज्ञापन
(ii) डिस्प्ले विज्ञापन या प्रदर्शन के लिए विज्ञापन।
1. Classified Advertisements (वर्गीकृत विज्ञापन):
वस्तुओं की बिक्री एवं सेवाओं को प्रदान करने के उद्देश्य से ये विज्ञापन Individuals के द्वारा ही दिए जाते हैं। ये संक्षिप्त तथा वर्णनात्मक होते हैं और Notice की तरह ही होते हैं। चूँकि ये विषयवस्तु के आधार पर ग्रुप में रखे जाते हैं इसलिए इन्हें Classified Ads कहते हैं।
2.Display Advertisement (डिस्प्ले विज्ञापन):
सामान्यतः ये विज्ञापन विनिर्मातों द्वारा अपने सामान/वस्तुओं की बिक्री को बढ़ावा देने के लिए तैयार किए जाते हैं। ये तीन प्रकार के होते हैं-
(a)Local स्थानीय (थोक)
(b) Retail (खुदरा/फुटकर)
(C) National advertisements (राष्ट्रीय विज्ञापन)
Advertisements लिखते समय ध्यान देने योग्य तथ्य:
  1. विज्ञापन लिखते समय उससे संबंधित विषय-वस्तु हमारे मस्तिष्क पटल पर संक्षेप में सुस्पष्ट होनी चाहिए तथा कम से कम शब्दों (50) का प्रयोग वांछित है।
  2. वाक्यांश, विराम चिह्नों आदि का प्रयोग सटीक रूप से हो।
  3. यदि आप अपना नाम, पता आदि गुप्त रखना चाहें तो Post Box No. का प्रयोग करें परन्तु इसके लिए अतिरिक्त शुल्क देय होता है।
  4. इच्छुक व्यक्ति आपसे आसानी से सम्पर्क स्थापित कर सकें इसलिए अपना पता, टेलीफोन नं., ई-मेल आदि स्पष्ट लिखें।
  5. विज्ञापन में connectors, verbs, articles आदि का प्रयोग कम से कम ही करें। और यदि इनके बिना हमारा संदेश स्पष्ट हो जाता है तो इन्हें कदापि प्रयोग न करें।
  6. विज्ञापन के सही प्रकाशन के लिए इसे अच्छे लेख में ही लिखें।
  7. विज्ञापन को लिखते समय बहुत ही सरल, स्पष्ट व संक्षिप्त भाषा की प्रयोग करें।
  8. विज्ञापन लिखने के पश्चात् एक बार इसे पुनः पढ़ना चाहिए।
विज्ञापनों में Matrimonials, Educational, Accommodation, Sale or Purchase of vehicles, property etc., Lost & Found, Tours & Travels, Job-Vacancies, Change of Name, Beauty/Fitness आदि से संबंधित विषय चुने जाते हैं।
(A) Matrimonials (वैवाहिक विज्ञापन)
Required Details
(a) Age, caste, qualification, financial status, social status, achievements, complexion etc. of prospective bride/bridegroom.
(b) Age, caste, qualification, religion, working condition, appearance (beautiful/handsome), height etc. of desired bride/bridegroom.
(c) Nature of Marriage – early, arranged /court, simple, decent, etc.
(d) Write contact no., address, e-mail, etc. (if any) or Post Box no.
एक Matrimonial advertisement बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित तथ्यों का ज्ञान आवश्यक है –
(1) Heading – Suitable Match/Alliance.
(2) For whom (कसके लिए) – A boy or a girl.
(3) Qualification & Achievements to be shown (योग्यता एवं उपलब्धियां जो दर्शायी जानी हैं) –
  • physical (शारीरिक)
  •  educational (शैक्षिक)
  •  financial (आर्थिक)
  •  habits/hobbies (आदते /अभिरुचियाँ)
  •  social status (सामाजिकस्तर)
(4) From whom – A boy or a girl wants, the desired qualification to see in his/her life partner.
(वांछित योग्यताएँ, जिन्हें आप अपने जीवन-साथी में देखना चाहते हैं।)
Achievements/qualifications में निम्नलिखित बातें हो सकती हैं –
(a) Physical – (i) age, (ii) height, (iii) complexion (रंग) etc.
(b) Financial – Source of income (आमदनी का स्त्रोत); annual/monthly income (वार्षिक मासिक आय)।
(c) Hobbies – Likings/dislikings if any (पसन्द/नयसन्द यदि कोई हो तो)

Example: 1.
ALLIANCE for Punjabi boy, fair, handsome, 34 yrs, 5’11” M. Com & Diploma in Business Management, income 30,000/- p.m. conducting coaching classes. Wanted a bride age between 24 to 29 yrs. Slim & tall having height minimum 5’3″ No dowry. Caste no bar. Send biodata with a recent photo of the girl (must) returnable to Vijay Arora. Shanti Niketan behind MTNL office, Vashi, Mumbai-400703
Example: 2.
ALLIANCE invited for handsome convent educated fair Gupta boy 33 / 5’7″ having a well-settled business, very good income. Looking for a tall, veg., good looking girl from a decent family. Caste no bar. Respond with biodata & photo (R) must to Box No. MUM 104538K Times of India, Mumbai – 400001 or  (S.S. Exam 2016)
(B) Job Vacancy/Appointments
Required details:
(a) Name of the organisation
(b) Number of vacancies and post for which a candidate is required
(c) Qualification and Experience
(d) Age and Sex
(e) Pay scale
(f) Selection procedure
(g) Last date/Interview Date & Time
(h) Contact No. / Address

(a) Name of profession
(b) Qualification and Experience
(c) Extracurricular activities (If any)
(d) Age (e) Sex
(f) Nationality
(g) Salary expected
(h) Contact No. / Address

एक Job Vacancy advertisement बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित तथ्यों का ज्ञान आवश्यक है –
(1) Heading – Required, Wanted, Needed; (चाहिए / आवस्यकता है)।
(2) What – teacher; clerk etc. (जिस के लिये रित्तियाँ हों)
(3) With what qualification (किन योग्यताओ के साथ) or Employee’s desired qualification (कर्म् चारि कि वांछित योग्यतायें) जैसे –
  •  age
  • sex
  •  education
  •  hobby
  •  experience
  •  sense of dedication
(4) Employer’s Attraction (समर्पण की भावना नियुक्तिकर्ता की तरफ से आकर्षक सुविधाएँ) –
  •  salary (वेतन)
  •  accommodation (आवास)
  •  medical facility (चिकित्साक्रिया सुविधा)
  •  job security (नौकरी की सुरक्षा)
(5) When – Time/Last date of sending application (कब तक प्रार्थना – पत्र कार्यालय पहुँचे)।
Where (to apply) (कहा भेजे) – contact address (पता), Phone No. (if any) (यदि हो तो)।
Two dedicated male teachers of Physics & Chemistry, P. G. in respective subjects with B.Ed, minimum 2 yrs. experience of teaching in a reputed school must, age less than 30, salary negotiable, free accommodation. Apply with photo-state copies of all the certificates within ten days of adv. at Himanshu Public School, Kankroli, Ph. 1355561.
Question 1.
Imagine you are the Principal of Govt Higher Secondary School, Nandera. The lecturer who taught English has gone on a year-long leave. You want to appoint a guest faculty member. He must be an M.A. in the desired subject with B.Ed. He must have 5 years’ experience in teaching. You can pay him 78000/- per month. Draft an advertisement for ‘walk-in-interview’ to be published in the local daily newspaper.
Situation Vacant
‘Walk-in-Interview’ on August 5, 20– for a guest faculty lecturer (for one year) in English with M.A. (English), B.Ed. and a minimum of five years’ teaching experience. Pay Rs.8000/- per month (fixed). Bring all the documents. Principal, Govt Higher Secondary School, Nandera, Phone 120046.
Question 2.
You are an Electrical Engineer in need of a job in or around Jodhpur. Write an advertisement for publication in a local newspaper.
A first class B. E. Electrical Engineer from Jodhpur university seeks a job in or around Jodhpur. Experience 5 years in a leading factory. Salary negotiable. Please contact Mohan Prakash 68, Rajouri Colony, Jodhpur. Mobile No. 12345678.
(C) Lost & Found
Required details:
(a) Description of an item which is found.
(b) Specification of the item
(c) Location, when and where found
(d) The owner should prove that an item belongs to him/her
(e) Contact address / Phone number, etc.
Required Details:
(a) Description of an item which is lost
(b) When and where lost
(c) Warning: Not to use the item unlawfully
(d) Reward (optional)
(e) Contact address and Phone number
एक Lost & Found advertisement बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित तथ्यों का ज्ञान आवश्यक है –
(1) Heading – Lost/found (खोया/पाया)
(2) What – (lost/found) (क्या खोया/पाया)
(3) With what identification (clue) (पहचान चिह्न)
(4) Where – (was found/lost) (स्थान जहाँ पर खोया/पाया)
(5) When – (was found/lost) (समय जब खोया/पाया)
(6) Where – to contact (कहाँ पर सम्पर्क करे)
(7) Promise (if you can, in case of lost) वायदा यदि आप जरूरी समझें (केवल खेनकी स्थिति में)
A bag of blue colour containing some important documents was lost yesterday (July 10, 2015) somewhere in the school library in the IV period. Finder is requested to deposit the same in the school office or to the undersigned. Tea is promised. Deepak, XII-A.
(D) Educational
Required details:
(a) Name of the institution
(b) Eligibility
(c) Duration
(d) Courses available
(e) Facilities
(f) Fee
(g) Last date for submitting the application
(h) Address / Contact No.
एक Educational advertisement बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित तथ्यों का ज्ञान आवश्यक है –
(1) Heading – Heading topicइसकी के अनुसार बदलती रहती है। सामान्य रूप स्कूल का नाम ही होता है।
(2) Name of the institution, course, duration, eligibility, last date for submitting the application, fee and the mode of payment, contact time if any with an address. (संस्था का नाम, कोर्स, अवधि, शैक्षिक योग्यता, आवेदन करने की अंतिम तिथि, फीस तथा फीस जमा करने की विधि, सम्पर्क स्थान, समय तथा पता)
Example: 1.
Allen Coaching Institute, Jodhpur
Admission for fresh batches of C.A., P.O, P.C.S. & PMT begins from May 2nd, 20–. The prospectus and the admission forms are available at the centre between 9.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. from Monday to Saturday on payment of 1000 or download the form from our website A few seats are available in the hostel. Ravi Sharma, Director.
Example: 2.
Recently you have started Yoga classes for women. Draft an advertisement for publication in a newspaper giving details.
Yoga Classes
Yoga classes for women have been started in Ram Niwas Hall of the town. Yogic exercises are taught practically by experts. Some time for meditation is also given. Timings from 6 am to 7.30 am. Contact Savita Jain, Director, Yoga Classes, Pushkar.
(E) Accommodation
Required Details:
(a) Accommodation type – House, flat, office, shop, etc.
(b) Brief description of accommodation
(C) Location
(d) Facilities available
(e) Tenants Preferred like – service class/vegetarian/only girls/ a couple with 2 children, etc.
(f) Rent
(g) Contact address / Mobile number
एक Accommodation advertisement बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित तथ्यों का ज्ञान आवश्यक है –
(1) Heading – To let/For sale/On rent/Available.
(2) Locality, number of rooms, area, rent or range, address and contact number, other facilities. (किराये पर उठाने अथवा किराये पर लेने के लिए भवन का स्थान, कमरों की संख्या, क्षेत्रफल, किराया या सीमा, पता और सम्पर्क नम्बर, अन्य सुविधाएँ।)
Available a well equipped newly constructed house with separate bathrooms, kitchen, three bedrooms, situated in the posh colony of Manu Marg, Jaipur. Ring 1524630 or contact personally to C. P. Singh, 36A/43 Chand Pole, Jaipur.
You have a set of two bedrooms and a dining hall. You want to give it on rent to a transferable family only. Draft an advertisement for the ‘To-let’ column giving necessary information. (S S Exam 2012, 2015)
Available two bedrooms plus dining hall set located at 71/254 A, Patel Marg, Mansarovar only for transferable family. Separate kitchen and bathroom. 24 hrs water supply and car parking facility. Rent 7000/- excluding electricity and maintenance charges. Contact Mahesh Mittal 15/351 C, Subhash Marg, Jaipur.
(F) Sale/Purchase
Required details:
(a) Name of the goods (Items)
(b) Model, condition, colour, etc. of the items
(c) Year of manufacturing
(d) Price
(e) Document details (if any)
(f) Contact number / Address
Required details:
(a) Name of the company – Tata/Maruti etc.
(b) Year of manufacturing
(c) Model/colour/condition, etc.
(d) Accessories fitted
(e) Mileage/Kilometres run
(f) Price expected
(g) Document details
(h) Contact number/Address
Required details:
(a) Type/size/area etc. of flat, bungalow, old/new house, etc.
(b) Porch/store/ no. of rooms etc.
(c) Fixtures and fittings, etc.
(d) Facilities available
(e) Location
(f) Loanable/non-loanable
(g) Price expected
(h) Contact No. / Address
एक Sale/Purchase advertisement बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित तथ्यों का ज्ञान आवश्यक है –
(1) Heading – Name of the thing Sale/Purchase. (जो वस्तु बेचने चाहते हो उसका नाम)
(2) Terms and conditions, if any, cost, type, date, contact number and address, any other relevant details. (खरीदना या बचने का शतें,यदि काई हों,मूल्य,वस्तुका प्रकार, तारीख,सम्पर्क – नम्बर तथा पता, कोई अन्य उपयुक्त सूचनाएँ।)
Question 1.
Maruti 800 For Sale Available for sale Maruti 800 with A. C. and gas-kit 2015 model, cream colour, in a very decent working condition with new tyres. The expected range of price 150000/-or negotiable. Interested parties may contact Amar Singh Meena, 163 Adarsh Nagar, Churu or ring 1363427.
(G) Travel & Tours
(a) Package available
(b) Name of the travel agency
(c) Duration of the tour
(d) Date of the tour
(e) Package nature
(f) Facilities provided
(g) Booking period
(h) Cost & quality of service
(i) Contact number/Address/ E-mail
एक Travel and Tours column बनाने के लिए निम्नलिखित तथ्यों का ज्ञान आवश्यक है –
(1) Heading – Name of the travel agency को लिखना चाहिए।
(2) Duration of the tour, date of the tour, Package nature – Cost, Quality of Service, Address, Phone number, etc. को विवरण संक्षिप्त रूप से लिखा होना चाहिए।
Radhika Travels offers tour packages in India at reasonable rates. Kedarnath Dham Darshan ten days for 15,000/- Agra visit for 3 days costing only 78,000/- Lucknow visits 5 days for 10,000/- Board and lodging are included in the charges. Special discounts for bookings done before 25 Feb, 20–Hurry up to register your tour with us. Available on Radhika tours and travels
Some Examples Of Classified Advertisements With Solution
Example 1.
You are Shailendra, 25-C Scheme, Jaipur and wish to let out a small portion of your house. Draft an advertisement giving the location, type of accommodation, rent expected, contact address, telephone number, etc. (S.S. Exam 2015)
You have constructed a new house. You want to let out a portion of that house. Write an advertisement to be published in the ‘To-Let’ classified columns of a local newspaper.
Available in 25-C Scheme, a small portion of my house on the ground floor comprising of two rooms and a kitchen, separate and attached lat-bath 24 hrs water supply. Rent not less than 76000 per month excluding electricity and other charges. Interested parties may contact: Shailendra 25-C Scheme, Jaipur or call on 1425768.
Example 2.
You have come on transfer to a new city. You need an accommodation with two rooms, separate latrine, bathroom, kitchen with a portico on the ground floor on the roadside. Write an advertisement to be published in the local daily. (Portico = a roof that is supported by columns especially one that forms the entrance to a large building. (खंभेदार छतवाला प्रवेशदार ड्योढ़ी|)
A two-room flat with separate latrine and bathroom, kitchen and portico on the ground floor by the roadside in Jaswant Nagar, Baran. Contact S. P. Gupta, Executive Engineer, P.W. D. Baran.
Example 3.
You are doing a PhD in Maths. You want to take up a part-time job in some coaching institute. Draft an advertisement to be placed in the Situation Wanted’ column of your local newspaper.
A young man M.Sc. (Maths) Ist class, doing Ph. D. with three years experience of teaching in Sharma Coaching, Kota, seeks part-time evening job for three or four hours in a coaching institute in Jaipur. Salary negotiable. Please contact R. K. Agarwal, 205, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur. Phone No. 6650405.
Example 4.
You want lady teachers for D. A. V. Public School, Jaipur. They should be M. A. / M.Sc. in their subjects with first division, preferably trained. Draft an advertisement to be published in the local newspaper for walk-in interview. State date, time and venue for the interview.
Wanted lady teachers with M. A. / M.Sc. first division in the following subjects, preferably trained and experienced. The number of vacancies is given against each subject. Salary according to Govt norms. Walk-in-interview with original and photocopy of certificates at D.A.V. Public School, Jaipur on 20 June 20– at 10.00 a.m. English-2, Maths-1, Hindi-2, Physics -1, History -1, Political Science -1.
Example 5.
Draft an advertisement to seek a suitable match for your elder sister to be published in matrimonial columns of the newspaper.
A Brahmin, Bhardwaj fair girl 28/5’5″, convent educated PhD Maths working as a lecturer at M.S. College, Dungarpur seeks alliance from a university lecturer, scientist, engineer, early decent marriage, subcaste no bar, send Bio-data, Horoscope, Photo, B 33/4, Ranjeet Nagar, Dungarpur.
Example 6.
You are looking for a one-room set on rent near your school. Write an advertisement giving essential details. Don’t forget to mention the amount of rent you are ready to pay.
Wanted a one-room set with separate bathroom and kitchen near Government Senior Secondary School, Alwar for a student of class XII for about 1000/- per month. Contact – Ajay Kumar, XII B, Govt. Senior Sr. School, Alwar between 10 a.m. and 4 p. m.
Example 7.
You want to sell your motorcycle. Draft an advertisement giving essential details such as model number, condition of the engine, kilometres run and the expected price. Also, give your contact address or phone number.
TVS Flame with CCVTI – technology, three valves, computerised odometer, excellent condition, blue-black, run only 20000 km., ready for sale for Rs.42,000/- or negotiable. Contact: Rajkumar, 23/40, Pratap Road, Jaipur. Ph. 1365478.
Example 8.
You want to purchase a flat with three rooms in Malviya Nagar, Jaipur. It should preferably be on the ground floor. You can pay up to 25 lac. Draft an advertisement giving details of your requirements.
Wanted a ground floor, three-room flat in good condition with portico and car parking facility roadside, in Malviya Nagar, Jaipur, up to 25 lac. Contact – Mohan Verma, 230, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur. Ph. 1687302.
Example 9.
Write an advertisement to be published in the matrimonial columns for seeking a bridegroom for a girl.
Wanted handsome, Punjabi Khatri boy (age 22-24) self business or govt job, tall for homely beautiful Punjabi girl (age 20) graduate, slim, smart, computer knowledge, cooking expert. Advertisement only for better selection. Contact Ashok Khatri 67/1 Punjabi Colony, New Delhi 110002 Ph. 14813809
Example 10.
Your parents and you are in search of a bride for your elder brother. Write an advertisement to get it published in the matrimonial columns of a newspaper.
Reputed affluent Brahmin family seeks very beautiful, fair, professionally qualified, good-natured, homely girl for tall, handsome, vegetarian, non-smoker, Anshik-Manglik, 23/ 160 MBA from UK (full time), Area Manager, MNC Car Co., 12 lacs p.a. & residing in own flat at Mumbai, caste no bar. Send photo and biodata to Box No – 72881 or E-Mail
Example 11.    (St. Sec., 2014)
D. K. International is looking for a receptionist for the school. Write an advertisement on behalf of the administrative officer in the classified columns of the local newspaper giving necessary details. Draft an advertisement in not more than 50 words.
D. K. International School, Bharatpur seeks a smart female candidate with minimum 2-3 years of experience, graduated from a reputed university, must have excellent command over English and IT skills. The selected candidate will be responsible for handling the administrative work competently. Salary according to school norms. Walk-in-Interview on 25 March 20– between 10.00 am. and 4.00 pm. with original documents.


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